Latest Past Events

Live Screening of American Hospitals

Wellfleet Public Library 55 West Main Street, MA 02667, Wellfleet, MA 02667

The new film American Hospitals examines our broken hospital system and explores some solutions. The film will be followed by a speaker who will place the film in the context of the single payer movement.


American Hospitals Screening – Granville, MA

granville public library granville ma 2 Granby Rd., Granville

Screening of American Hospitals Healing a Broken System at the Granville Public Library 2 Granby Road Granville MA. To register call (413) 357-8531 or any questions call the library directly.


Landmark Kendall Square – Boston

Landmark Kendall Square 355 Binney St, Cambridge

Join the Massachusetts Nurses Association, MassCare, DSA Boston, and Jamaica Plain Progressives for a screening and discussion of the new provocative documentary American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System. For a free ticket, please RSVP to with the subject line “TICKET” and your full name. About American Hospitals: Today hospital care […]